04 May 2020
School update,
The transition back to school was never going to be as simple as deciding on a date. Schools are complex places even without the added dynamics of the COVID-19 virus. The model implemented cannot be a one size fits all model as all sites are different and student communities vary.
All staff met via Zoom last week to decide on the best model to return students to face to face lessons. I stress, it is the best model for Trundle Central School. What is decided at Tullamore, Yeoval, Parkes High, St Patricks’s etc. is for their situation, it may not suit this school.
Staff have developed the following model. This model can change easily in response to a change in the virus status:
Stage 1 commencing May 11th
- Stage 6 (Years 11/12) should attend school five days per week from May 11. Lessons will be on Zoom and co-teachers will be available.
- High School students 7-10 should attend Tuesday and/or Friday. Students can attend other days but the school will only provide passive supervision for students to complete work packs. No direct teaching with the exception of Stage 6, as not all staff are on site.
- All Primary students should attend school on Mondays. This will be for consolidation of work packs and socialisation activities. All primary staff will be available on this day.
Stage 2 commencing May 25th
- Stage 6 students (Years 11/12) should continue to attend school five days per week.
- High School students 7-10 should attend school Tuesday, and/or Thursday and/or Friday. They may attend school other days but only passive supervision will be available as all staff may not be on site.
- Primary students should attend school on Monday and Wednesday.
Stage 3 commencing June 8th.
- All students return to full time attendance.
This pathway allows for a greater number of students attending school than the Department of Education recommended 25% attendance. However, your school has decided due to the nature of this site and number of students at the school, to increase the speed of transition back to full faceto-face learning. This transition pathway is dependent on student and parent cooperation and the infection status of the virus.
In order to achieve a safe, happy return for students the school will also be implementing the following measures to reduce the chance of COVID-19 virus being spread:
- Students will be instructed/reminded of social distancing every day of attendance.
- Hand washing will occur before school and before/after each break.
- Students are not to bring any toys from home, including balls.
- Ball games are banned in the school.
- The play equipment is not available until allowed in public parks.
- Students are not to share equipment in the classroom.
- All computers will be sanitised after use and primary students will use the same device all day.
- The school computer lab will not be available at lunch times or after school.
- Visitors to the school will be limited to essential people only. • Parent teacher interviews will be conducted over the phone, not in person.
- Parents will be required to hand sanitise if entering the school.
- Door handles will be wiped with medical alcohol regularly.
- No inter-school excursions.
- No whole school assemblies.
- No library borrowing until Week 5. When student return their borrowed books, they will need to wipe the plastic cover of the book with an alcohol wipe before returning and it will not be available again for three days.
These and many other pre-cautions may seem excessive but they are all focused on keeping your children and the staff at this school as safe as possible. Students will be explained these measures each day. If any students fail to follow these measures, I will have no choice but to determine them dangerous to other students and staff and isolate them within the school or in serious, repeated, cases, suspend.
John Southon