21 May 2020

It is time !!
The Hon Sarah Mitchell, New South Wales Minister for Education has announced all students will return to face to face teaching from next Monday 25th of May. This decision is welcomed by staff because we realise face to face instruction in active, vibrant, classrooms is the most effective form of teaching for all students.
In addition schools, especially country schools, are places of community activity and often the only practical place geographically isolated children can interact with others during the week. We need to return to full time classrooms because that is why our school was established and continues after more than 100 years!
Trundle Central School is very well prepared for a return to full face to face teaching both from a teaching perspective and in terms of the increased hygiene measures necessary to reduce the risk of infection of our students.
Schools are not returning to what we considered normal just a few weeks ago. It is important all parents and students understand the requirements for the return to full time schooling:
· The Education Minister under the powers of the Education Act 1990 has directed students back to school. Only students who have a reason excepted by the Principal are to be absent from school.
· The school will not provide learn from home packages from Monday as the platform of delivery is now face to face learning on campus.
· Our school will return to a pre-covid timetable from Monday with all staff on campus.
· No inter-school visits and excursions will be conducted until instructed by Department of Education and Health that it is safe.
· No community visitors will be allowed in school, including scripture teachers.
· All students will be required to adhere to enhanced hygiene measures. The school will have a zero tolerance attitude to any student who refuses to comply with enhanced hygiene measures.
· Parents will not be permitted to enter the school. All interviews including parent teacher meetings will be by phone or other platforms.
· Students are not to bring toys or balls to school.
· Semester 1 reports will now be issued in Term 3. This will be a modified format without grades.
· Whole school assemblies or performances to the community will not be allowed.
I have no idea when these restrictions will be lifted or modified. Schools only became aware of the changes to the departmental timetable for return to face to face teaching through the media. However, what I am very confident is your local public school is very safe and it is time your children to return.
John Southon